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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 3:43 pm

Oliveriver wrote:
The drum pattern seems a little bland for the most part - I think adding a few other drum beats to give a polyrhythm effect would be better, as this sort of technique is present in most tribal society drum music.
I can make the drum pattern more complex, although I don't know exactly how. I'll have to listen to some typical ethnic tribal music.

Oliveriver wrote:
The violin sounds are a little screechy with too much vibrato - if you're using the DSK Music plugin for them, I can relate. You might get better results by using a string ensemble, which is generally less susceptible to sounding artificial.
Yes, I use DSK Music plugins for orchestral things (along with samples for percussion). And about the string ensemble... I'll take a look.

Oliveriver wrote:
I really like the way the dulcimer-like sound interacts with the violins, though, as the long attack on the violins gives a sort of call-and-response type arrangement.
Thanks, and about the attack on the violins... is that bad?

Oliveriver wrote:
Also, all the instruments seem a little central and confined - if you're trying to create an atmosphere, it would probably be better to add some stereo enhancers to some (especially the strings) and panning to others.
I don't usually take care of panning, but I can fix it. And for the stereo... I can fix that too.

Oliveriver wrote:
All quibbles aside, while this isn't perfect, I can definitely see parallels between your development as a composer and my own
Well I think that's good, thanks.

Oliveriver wrote:
so keep practicing, and maybe by the time we reach the society stage this theme can be reworked into something much better.
I don't think it will take me all that time. I am at composing and producing less than 1 year, but I started with Electro house, Drum and Bass and that type of electronic music, so I am in orchestral things since a very short time. Such as in sound design.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 10:50 am

Madero wrote:
Thanks, and about the attack on the violins... is that bad?

In certain situations it might be, but here it's perfect. I usually prefer strings with a long attack (like your theme), but then I tend to compose slower pieces which don't require staccato strings at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 12:34 pm


It don't have a particular stage, It's only supposed to sound when a full moon night occurs. (It doesn't matter if there are one moon, two, or 9000)
It has a mysterious, creepy athmosphere.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 12:52 pm

Maybe it would work for some sort of underwater environment? It sounds quite wavey and mysterious, so would work, providing there's a watery ambience track playing at the same time.

There's not much I can fault about this, but that's probably because there isn't really much to find fault in. The motif and instrument playing it are great, but I just feel there's so little variation it would really start annoying the player. I really like the use of a filter/cutoff automation at some points to give some variation, but the motif is still too repetitive in my opinion. Good work nonetheless.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 1:35 pm

Oliveriver wrote:
I just feel there's so little variation it would really start annoying the player.
I thought on adding more melodic variation, but for the style of this theme I didn't see the point.
Anyway I'll try to do a second version and add to it more melodic variation if I can, with this I mean that I'll add the variation if that don't debunks the athmosphere. Keep in mind that what I want (and what I think that it's better for the game) more than a complex theme, it's an athmospherical theme.

Last edited by Madero on Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : OMG! I don't know how to write correctly in english. I need to edit every post so much!! D:)
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 2:49 pm

Even if you just inverted the notes played a couple of times and kept the same rhythm that might be enough variation without sacrificing the atmosphere, although I think it would work better with more than that.

Anyway, I've just finished a new theme as well, this time another for the multicellular stage:

It's pretty sparse, although the main synthesizer sound is a good example of the type of variation I'm talking about. At different points, the notes, rhythms, filters and octave ranges change, though not all at the same time, otherwise it would be too much of a transition for an ambient theme.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 5:29 pm

Oliveriver wrote:

In general I like it, but I have one bad thing to say:
When I was listening to it and in 2:53 aprox., the bell thing melody sounds, I expected that the note progression would be x2 longer (what I say is that in my head, the melody kept up and progressed). So I thought that in the B-part, in 4:26 aprox., where the bells would sound again (treating this part as the "refrain") you would add that melody progression that sounded in my head. But that didn't happen.
I know that you don't know what melody was sounding in my head but could you try to make that bell B-part note progression longer please? It will sound better.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyTue Jul 08, 2014 2:52 pm

To be honest I'm not very happy with the bells in general - at that point I'd done the majority of work on everything else (well, the synthezisers  :roll: ) and was probably rushing to get the theme done, so I tried to get away with as little melody as possible - obviously a mistake. I can sort of imagine what you mean, but could you give a little more description? Like is it a descending melody or ascending, and I assume it would have the same sort of rhythm as the first motif?
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyTue Jul 08, 2014 4:08 pm

Oliveriver wrote:
I can sort of imagine what you mean, but could you give a little more description? Like is it a descending melody or ascending, and I assume it would have the same sort of rhythm as the first motif?
And for the rhythm, in the 2:53 part it would be the same as the first motif, and could be represented by this sequence/scheme:
{[Motif that actually exists (We could call it "A")]-[Same rhythm as "A" but ascending]}
But then, in the 4:26 part it would be x2 longer, with this sequence:
{[Motif that actually exists (We could call it "A")]-[Same rhythm as "A" but ascending]-[Here it has other rhythm and is ascending too(Call it "B"]-[Here the rhythm is like "B" but ascending AGAIN]}
I can't explain it better, sorry.
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PostSubject: Multicellular Theme v3   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 8:04 am

After a long dormant time of no music, I've come back for more. Starting off with this multicellular track. After going through a whole lot of trouble, I've finally have things settled and I can now make music again. Hopefully I'm not too rusty. It doesn't have that vibrant earcandy feel as Oliveriver's two pieces have, but ambiance themed stuff isn't my specialty, but it's worth a try. Tell me what you think.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 8:41 am

LegoHoss wrote:

After a long dormant time of no music, I've come back for more. Starting off with this multicellular track. After going through a whole lot of trouble, I've finally have things settled and I can now make music again. Hopefully I'm not too rusty. It doesn't have that vibrant earcandy feel as Oliveriver's two pieces have, but ambiance themed stuff isn't my specialty, but it's worth a try. Tell me what you think.
I like it and has a nice athmosphere, but I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that the plucky synth that starts sounding at 0:48 would sound better in a space stage theme.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyThu Jul 24, 2014 10:09 pm

Madero wrote:
I like it and has a nice athmosphere, but I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that the plucky synth that starts sounding at 0:48 would sound better in a space stage theme.

Personally, that part makes me think of lots of tiny things swimming past. Y'know, jingly plankton and such. Just as fit for them scooting around as it is for lots of stars.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyFri Jul 25, 2014 9:17 am

MitochondriaBox wrote:
Madero wrote:
I like it and has a nice athmosphere, but I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that the plucky synth that starts sounding at 0:48 would sound better in a space stage theme.

Personally, that part makes me think of lots of tiny things swimming past. Y'know, jingly plankton and such. Just as fit for them scooting around as it is for lots of stars.
Also the entire theme reminds me of Star Fox Adventures, which soundtrack is amazing.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySun Jul 27, 2014 5:05 pm

Madero wrote:
Also the entire theme reminds me of Star Fox Adventures, which soundtrack is amazing.

That means a lot to me. The songs in the soundtrack for SFA is really awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 4:53 pm

Madero wrote:
LegoHoss wrote:

After a long dormant time of no music, I've come back for more. Starting off with this multicellular track. After going through a whole lot of trouble, I've finally have things settled and I can now make music again. Hopefully I'm not too rusty. It doesn't have that vibrant earcandy feel as Oliveriver's two pieces have, but ambiance themed stuff isn't my specialty, but it's worth a try. Tell me what you think.
I like it and has a nice athmosphere, but I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that the plucky synth that starts sounding at 0:48 would sound better in a space stage theme.

I dunno, I think it gives it a sort of lively, tropical/exoticness to it. But then again, I've been told by people I always look on the bright side. Well, I only see a bright side here. I think it's a great piece. Fits the image in the vid, too. Made me think of summer in a cambrian ocean, all kinds of things flittering about, thriving in the shallow sunlit water...

Yeah, I got a lot of good imagery out of that piece. Great work, Hoss.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 5:46 pm

Aiosian_Doctor_Xenox wrote:
I dunno, I think it gives it a sort of lively, tropical/exoticness to it. But then again, I've been told by people I always look on the bright side. Well, I only see a bright side here. I think it's a great piece. Fits the image in the vid, too. Made me think of summer in a cambrian ocean, all kinds of things flittering about, thriving in the shallow sunlit water...

Yep. I think it also gives a "whole new world" aspect, since you've basically entered an entirely new stage to get the ropes of, in a good way. You're something gargantuan compared to the microbe you used to be. Beings once of your own size are flocking around you in the hundreds, now barely noticeable.

If you look up a video of a bunch of daphnia(water fleas) swimming around, it fits.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 11:55 am

Lately I haven't had the inspiration I had a while ago for new themes, mostly because the need for microbe and multicellular music has meant I've been composing a lot of things in a similar style. However, just because I could, I went back and edited one of my most successful and well-received themes, the Robot March Theme:

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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 2:00 pm

Oliveriver wrote:

I love the 80s vibe.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 8:58 pm

I love the updated theme. Also, I know how you feel about being uninspired due to the similar theme types, and I think you'll hear a new theme from me soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 11:38 am

Mostly just for fun (and possibly guilt at not being able to contribute to the GUI for the moment), I've created an ocean theme, either for the late multicellular stage or the aware stage:

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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 11:52 am

Oliveriver wrote:

In general I like it, but I don't like the sudden pads cut at 4:37. A softer transition would be better.
EDIT: Aaaand this would be perfect for a coral reef theme, it has a more "living" athmosphere.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyThu Aug 28, 2014 2:34 pm

I quite like the sudden cut, but my worry is it might be too drastic a change for background music.

And yes, it would fit a coral reef particularly well.
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 12:41 pm

Oliveriver wrote:
Mostly just for fun (and possibly guilt at not being able to contribute to the GUI for the moment), I've created an ocean theme, either for the late multicellular stage or the aware stage:

Im come back guys!

Anyway good job Oliver!
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyFri Sep 26, 2014 4:20 am

After a long absence and over a week without internet access i finally have time to post my new theme. Since I'm in a hurry and I'm writing this from my phone I'll just let it speak for itself.

As you can hear it's a multicelluar/aware theme like my last themes. I tried to make it a bit more complex. I think it can be played in various different circumstances. What do you guys think?
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PostSubject: Re: Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here)   Music List Thread (Post New Themes Here) - Page 16 EmptyFri Sep 26, 2014 6:54 am

Great work! The pad sound is gorgeous, although the entire theme is just that and the odd chime, which probably needs some more reverb.
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