Good morning everyone, it's 10 PM where I live, and I'm feeling great. Before I really get started, there's a few things I'd like to address:
1. No, I cannot fix this blog being huge. I apologise.
2. Yes, you can do all sorts of Belgium with the game. Make better threads, please.
3. If we don't know, we'll experiment when we have a prototype.
Okay, Noew that that's out of the way, I can get on with this.
We've been making lots of headway on our PE and PPG concepts, and roadkillguy and Bashi have been up to their armpits in code. Things are looking good for our game so far, and at last count Bashi had over 800 lines of code in the BEAT engine so far. :razz:
Right now roadkillguy is working on planet mapping code and LOD stuff (LOD=level of Detail, someone put this in the dictionary) which looks pretty cool.
Check out the discussion.Who wants to write a graphis engine!?
That's right, No one does, so OGRE is being discussed for implementation, because shader code is Belgium-ed up. Looks great! While fetching that link, I ran into something epic.
Holy Belgium I want this.
Hopefully, our plant parts will be that good-looking.
Marketing is a bit of a problem. Why? We're doing it very slowly. Go
here and help out (read my last few posts) Also, I'm thinking we need a new ModDB page. our curerent one is decrepid and fail, and has Sven's name on it. as soon as we decide on a studio name, I'm setting it up. I've got a good music idea, and I may lay down a few bars on my trumpet and see if it's any good.
Also, I was going to make a really important thread, but forgot what it was about. If anyone remembers what it was going to be about (I posted it somewhere), please comment on this to help me out. Thanks.
- eumesmo wrote:
- We should call it The Mind, but have a box to change that
this is lua so....
name = "The Mind"
TextBoxVal = name.." is a powerful being that knows many things, you can access "" 's information through here"
--and even a easter egg
if name == "~sciocont" then
TextBoxVal = "scio is here to keep your game from going to belgium!"
notice this is not me insulting ~sciocont, it's just a example...
scio OUT!
Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:49 pm by YourBreakfast